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Welcome to the Digital Realms

D-Realms is a Digimon fan game project which can be used in conjunction with the D-Realms device via a simple installation process.

Meet the D-Realms Device.

Designed by @Digi_Guy_VN, the D-Realms is a concept for a new virtual pet that pushes the limits of pocket gaming. With a sleek look and ample room for quality tech, the D-Realms is meant to be the first VPet built with the end user truly in mind. It will be built with accessible parts that can be repaired, free software that will be continuosly updated, and updating the device will be simple no matter how tech savvy or not the user is.

D-Realms will be a complete product.


The plan is to create not only the physical product of the virtual pet and the accompanying free software, but it will also ship with unique packaging. We want to create a nostalgic sense of excitement people get anytime they receive a new virtual pet– minus the frustrating FOMO, limited game play, lack of quality control, and zero technical or customer support. The D-Realms will be an experience in pocket gaming like we’ve all yearned for!

This is not a test: Development is underaway.

The D-Realms already has early prototypes under way!

Different hardware is being researched and tested to create a powerful device.

Although the concept art has a monochrome screen, the final version will have an LCD screen.

What to expect from our development process.

Game Development

The D-Realms software will be developed by Pandomime Studio LLC. First they will be making an original vpet IP which will the free Digimon game will be based off of. Expect regular posts and feature highlights from this game; afterwards the Digimon game will be developed rapidly from the existing game with the same amount of transparency.

Device Prototyping

Currently we have a short list of essential hardware and a preliminary package and device design. The device and packaging will likely go through a few more iterations, depending on user reviews and the final parts list. We have a number of hardware options we’re exploring which will make the D-Realms a powerful piece of technology that’s feature packed!


The final leg of the development is manufacturing, distribution, assembly, and packaging. While manufacturing is very simple, we view distribution as another way improve the modern vpet experience. Most companies lazily rely on Amazon and ignore any country not within those shipping lines. We hope to find multiple distribution companies to get the D-Realms to gamers all over the world.

Are you ready to enter the digital world and explore a new virtual pet experience unlike anything before?

Get ready for…

D- Realms

Your dream VPet is on the way.

By leveraging accessible modern hardware, the D-Realms will be much more than a one off vpet. Most virtual pets, especially ones made by mainstream corporations, are meant as a one off collector item. It’s almost like the expectation is that the devices will be collected and not played. Often they have fatal glitches that destroys the device or limits its usability. Our design will put an end to this by using parts that owners will be able to repair and potentially even modify. Additionally our custom design will make this virtual pet incredibly feature packed. Lastly, the nature of our hardware choices means that the device will be easy to update, meaning this device is not meant to be replaced. We hope you enjoy your D-Realms for years and years to come!

Is this what the D-Realms will look like?

The images on the site so far are all early designs by @Digi_Guy_VN who created this art out of a passion for Digimon and a desire to create a device worthy of the fandom. However, since Digimon is an established IP, the final designs will likley say ‘D-Realms’ and not mention Digimon. Likewise, the packaging will not display any franchise characters. Additionally the exact shape of the device will change slightly depending on user review and the amount of hardware we plan on packing into it. Lastly, features shown on the packaging are unlikely to be included. In particular, we are not plan on adding an external card. Radio and dot matrix screens will also likely be traded up for newer technology like wifi and an lcd screen.

When will the D-Realms be available?

As of right now, the D-Realms device is in the very early stages of development. The process will be to first do research and software development. Pandomime Studio LLC will first make an original VPet IP which will be reskinned afterwards to make the free Digimon software. This process will take around five to six months and we’ll keep you posted on progress via Instagram. Prototyping and redesigning after research and development will be the next big hurdle and will likely take two to three months. The final step is to produce the device and this is the simplest part and will likely take around two months. Therefore, this device is at least a year away from completion.

What to expect from the D-Realms?

Our vision is to create a VPet that goes beyond the current expectations. Depending on the hardware we finally select, the device will be extremely feature rich and more like a pocket game console than a simple vpet. We expect the price to come in at around $60 to $70 as a result which we hope is a fair price for the amount of lifelong value we intend to provide! The next most important detail to know is that the D-Realms will not ship with Digimon software. To protect the project from the wrath of Bandai, the Digimon game will be free to download on this site. In fact, you’ll be able to play the game even if you don’t buy the device. The Digimon software will need to be installed onto the device, but we intend to design a very simple process that will get your D-Realms device playable in minutes.

Meet the Team


Product Designer


Software Developer


Web Developer


Pixel Artist

Ready to make D-Realms a reality?

Currently the software and research process is being out of pocket by Pandomime Studio, a tiny game studio without funding. Any support you can offer during this point in the process can speed up our time estimates and help us make the final game even better. After this stage though we will need the help of interested gamers and collectors to move into the production stages. When it’s time to make the D-Realms a physical product we will likely launch a Kickstarter or IndieGoGo to make support and early access ordering very easy.


Thank you for your interest and support! Check back often and follow the creators on their socials to keep up with the project and watch our progress.